Zaila Avant-garde Is The Coolest Spelling Bee Champ Ever: Does It 'On The Side' Because She's Too Busy Getting Buckets And Setting World Records

Meet Zaila Avant, this year's Spelling Bee champ. More importantly she's by far the coolest spelling bee champ these eyes have ever seen. Why? She's a walking damn bucket. 

Correction, she's not just a bucket. She knows she's dominating these nerds because spelling is just a side thing for her. (h/t ESPN)

Zaila has other priorities, which perhaps explains how she came to dominate this year's bee. The 14-year-old from Harvey, Louisiana, is a basketball prodigy who owns three Guinness world records for dribbling multiple basketballs simultaneously and hopes to one day play in the WNBA or even coach in the NBA. She described spelling as a side hobby, even though she routinely practiced for seven hours a day.

"I kind of thought I would never be into spelling again, but I'm also happy that I'm going to make a clean break from it," Zaila said. "I can go out, like my Guinness world records, just leave it right there and walk off."

Ah, yeah just going to go ahead and bust these fools on my side job and walk it off. I love that quote, mostly because it's hilarious thinking of a spelling bee contestant somewhat talking shit but also just dropping the fact she has Guinness world records at age 13. Seriously, she's pretty damn good! 

Get Geno on the phone. Why hasn't he offered a scholarship already? I fully expect to hear her playing for UConn in a few years and probably watch them beat Seton Hall by like 62. Need Zaila out there crossing a kid up and spelling some word no one has ever heard before as she drains a three. I always wondered how you go about setting random Guinness world records. It's something I want to try to do. Just find the most random one, like how many times can in a row can I make a shot into the little hoop across the room from my recliner without getting up. How many blogs in a day is a record? What's the most amount of freeze pops eaten in a day? You know, the important world records.

Now if you want to watch a real spelling bee competition, how about two? 

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